Online booking for Sheppey Firearms and Archery Club.


Please note:

  1. In order to book a session, 1 person has to be a qualified Range officer.
  2. The range is to be left CLEAN after each session.
  3. Any Damage will be billed to the responsible person
  4. Open to members of Sheppey Firearms & Archery Club
  5. Under 18 to have adult supervision.
  6. Max 8 shooters per range officer.
  7. Physical Indemnity form to be signed by all attending
  8. The Orange Range flag must be put into the holder
  9. Range must be left in a clean state. 
  10. Corporate Event day packages available
  11. NO EV vehicles allowed next to or around the range structures. Please park on the grass road
  12. Non-Members Range day. Min 6: If no qualified Range Officer, then please select the Professional Instruction option 
  13. Members range day, Min 1


Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Membership application to Sheppey Firearms and Archery Club:


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SFAC Shooting Range Online Booking

Please fill out the online form. This is a private range and is for Sheppey Firearms and Archery Club members. We do not allow members of the public just to arrive and shoot. Non-members have to be accompanied by a full member.

  1. Any damage to the facilities will be billed to the member.
  2. Physical indemnity MUST be signed by all attending before any shooting/air rifle. archery commences.
  3. NO EVs allowed near or around the physical shooting range, please, you are to park on the grass road.
