Home Invasion Survival
A comprehensive and straightforward manual for safeguarding your residence against violent home invasions. This guide covers everything from fortifying your home to preparing for the possibility of defending yourself within its walls.
Topics covered include
- Your personal safety and environment
- Strategies for reinforcing your property
- Defensive tactics within a structure
- Engaging in combat inside a building with a firearm In this guide,
- I will demonstrate how to effectively survive a home invasion, drawing on South African methods.
Review from Abner Miranda, (Tier 1 Citizen):
“Those who’ve been burglarized know the foreign smell of a stranger in their home. I’ve
been in this situation and wished I’d had the foreknowledge that you will find in this book.
Once again Gerald Bailey has written a book that is easily understood by the layperson,
and can be applied with the use of good sense and forethought.”
V/r, Abner Miranda