Whats wrong with the firearms industry
What we are seeing nowadays on ranges and online is a breed of firearm owner that would make our forefathers who stormed the beaches roll in their graves. The Gucci WOKE tactical ninja is not slowly coming out of the bushes but rather is running. Shouting down sound proven tactics that save lives.
All this for the selfie-taking tactical Gucci pants tight top battle belt wearing wannabe’s fragile ego. If you own a Glock or Ar15 or only shoot clay pigeon. We are all in the same boat, we are legal firearm owners. The most hated and targeted slice of the world’s population.
When I talk to clay pigeon shooters, whom I respect for their talents, I don’t talk about how much better we are, but rather try and learn from them, as some of their pro tips could help me shoot better. So if by chance you are a tweed-wearing shooter or a Gucci crap-wearing tactical ninja, we are all the same, Legal firearm owners, get your head in the game.