The “Tactical” Pavlov’s Dog, (Barbecuing the sacred cow)
I was driving the other day for consultation business and “stumbled” upon something interesting that happens to if not all but most people today.
I received a WhatsApp message from a fellow trainer in the USA who had recently “been away on business”. When the WhatsApp chime went off I was driving alone. Due to the fact of where my phone was, I could see that it was from my buddy across the ocean. but what was really interesting was the fact that now I had to read the message !!!! I felt that itch to immediately respond…… I started “salivating" !!Just like Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov back in the 1890s when he mistakenly discovered that his dog would salivate when he came into the room, the association of Pavlov and food together would trigger the unconditional stimulus of salivating. I felt compelled to read and answer the message. (For law enforcement, I didn't read the message). As I drove on this got me thinking.
The “tactical” world with all its “trainers” and attendees is a lot like this situation. No matter how bad the instructor is or through Youtube shows what a complete numbnuts they are and shouldn’t be allowed near a firearm, let alone running a class, there are those who blindly follow. when this so-called ninja opens the pie hole they run and salivate at what their master will now feed them.
As an instructor and more importantly a class attendee, I look at what the instructor has to offer. Jumping around and looking cool makes me click away. Does the instructor live his talk? This is a huge one I have seen people running a class for pistols, with NO firearm or even a knife on their side. The “instructor” who has learned most of their skill sets from Youtube is easily identifiable, from the way they handle a firearm to how they carry it to their fitness levels. For me, the instructor doesn’t have to be an ex- whatever, but they have to possess a very rare quality, humility and a true pursuit for knowledge, and the ability to say that they don’t know everything as us as intrusions are also learning. I have had the blessing of being taught and training alongside some of this high class of instructors and also have attended or been around the other guys’ class. Be selective just because the guy in front is trying to act like some superhero character whilst teaching gun handling. As the adage goes, Just because it was on sale doesn’t mean you should have bought it.