Noddy Feel-Good training

FACT: In South Africa, you can go from never firing a weapon to completing your 2-3 hour competency class, to carrying a weapon concealed in public.

SO THIS IS OK? The majority of firearm owners barely grasp the Essential Foundations yet they’re expected to win a firefight? The lowest common denominator training is taught because how else are you going to train someone to protect themselves and make money?

The assumption that they will train again is ludicrous. Some only train again when they have to Re-certify again.

Attending training is not a once-off “fun thing” you can do in your holidays. Training is NOT what you did in the army all those years ago. NO, you will not recall those skill sets this late in the game. Training has to be an ongoing change in life. If the training can’t be integrated into your lifestyle, throw it away. You are wasting your time and hard-earned money.

Yes, there are instructors out there that will “show you a good time” but they have your money and will not answer the call when your life is in danger. If you have more money to waste on feel-good classes then great away you go, but most people want value-for-money training that works.

That is why we teach Performance-based training, It takes more effort and skills from the instructor, but the student benefits more from such instruction than the outcomes based noddy feel-good training offered today. Get serious about your training today

The takeaway from all of this is “much like Synchronise swimming, gunfighting isn’t for everybody”.

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