How to teach your child about Firearms, Safely

The very thought f having to teach one's child about firearm responsibility can range from complete fear and will never do it to this is a completely natural thing for me to do. With most of the world's population living in cities, the need for having to know about firearms at an early age is not a required skill.

So most think!


Most farm kids can drive a tractor and kill a bull all before lunchtime. But here in the cities most shy away from this incredibly vital skill set. Now yes we are not required / not allowed by law to shoot a cow in the city. But firearms are all around us. Like it or not they are here to stay period!

On television nowadays children are exposed to around 6000 murders a year, and that is just normal TV. Anybody with any skill sets pertaining to firearms will know that there are very few movies/ series that show responsible firearm ownership let alone good skill sets.

That leaves this vital topic up to the parents/guardian to teach. Why are we not doing this? Peer pressure? bad sigma around firearms? Yes, most people don't want anything to do with a firearm as it kills! but gladly get into their 1-ton vehicle and drive away. Or trust a doctor completely. Cars and doctors kill more people per annum than guns.

Teach your children about firearm ownership. Even if they don't ever decide to purchase their own firearm, at least they know how to handle one safely.


When I had my kids there were no resources around covering this topic. So I wrote one and now it is available at for you. Proven techniques that work.

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